Thursday, March 8, 2012

Domestic Violence of any KIND!

My painful memories of a childhood that was riddled with abuse against my mother and against us, my two sisters and myself, both physical and mental. The mental abuse is just the same as the physical, if not worse.  I understand now how a woman can get to a point of low self esteem, feeling trapped and feeling as if she can "change" her husband and also making excuses for the ill behavior. There is NO excuse for a man to put their hands on their wives or even on their children in an abusive manner and if there is ANYONE out there living in an abusive relationship and you feel beaten down physically and emotionally and don't feel like you have the strength to get out, PLEASE find that inner strength inside you and rely on your family and friends to guide you and help you through it and just "GET OUT" before it is too late. Do it, not only for you but most of all, do it for your children.  I have been scarred by the images of my mother being beaten with clenched fists and even myself with bruised and cracked ribs, scratches all over my face and having to tell the police that I am "ok" ... I still have pain, emotional pain from that, it has been a very, very long process to get over, I was the only one to shelter my sisters from the brunt of it all. I love my mother with every last breath in me and I tried to protect her the best I could and new how ........ 
Women, PLEASE be STRONG!  Do the right thing before it is too late!

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