Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just Stuff ...

June 30, 2012

My dog has been very sick all week and I was able to take her to the doctor today and my little baby is very dehidrated and has a parasite in her stomach.  I am very worried about her and she is my life and it is true of people say, animals become such a huge part of you who we are and our lives that it is such a horrible feeling when something is happening to them.  The Doctor gave her some fluids to help make her hungry and an anitbiotic.  We will wait and see but I am so worried that something serious is wrong with her. 

I have been home all week watching her and since I am not working at the moment, I have been running all over town looking for medical care for her since I have no money to pay for it and finally yesterday I finally got the help I needed, and it is the place I signed up last year, PAWS/LA is a great place for people with disabilities like myself with HIV.  My poor baby has not left my side since she became sick.  Poor thing. 

Since she has become sick, I also have not been able to go to my AA meetings and am feeling a little squirrely.  I am just afraid to leave her alone.  Am I too worried?  I am praying that she comes out of this safe and sound. 

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