Sunday, April 1, 2012

Politics of a Thriving, Leading and Powerful Nation ... A Beacon of Light around the World

The United State of America, a leader in every sense of the word!
A Beacon of Light to those who want freedom.

Lately my country has been under some less than admirable leadership.  In all branches of Government, especially in our Executive and in our legislative branches.  Every four to two years, these  branches go through a change in leadership.  The Executive can be longer at every eight years if the person holding that office is cunning enough or lucky enough or even manipulative enough to have the American people vote them in another four years into office.  

The last eleven and half years have been less than admirable, to say the least!  It is no secret to my family and friends that I am no fan of our current leadership and had hoped that we would of had a woman President for the first time in our Nations history, in that of a woman named Hillary Clinton. I believe, in my own opinion, and that of many others, that she could have led us out of the chaos our Nation found itself in after the very long and tumultuous leadership of the last President, George W. Bush.  

I love this opinion of George W. Bush posted online ......

"...In order to hold such a reality-free opinion, one would have to believe that the office is not besmirched by . . . using unethical election tactics (with plausible deniability) to get into office,
. . . economic policies that tend to widen the gap between the rich and the poor,
. . . proclaiming the ex-KGB thug who was then leading Russia to be some kind of kindred spirit,
. . . the unilateral abrogation of international treaties (ABM),
. . . scorning the opinions of allies,
. . . lying (or at least being willingly deceived) in order to lead the country into an illegal war of aggression,
. . . grossly mishandling the execution of the war, turning it into a quagmire,
. . . authorizing the commission of war crimes (torture),
. . . believing that history will look kindly on such inept leadership, and
. . . having the temerity to publish a book defending those things..."

I could go on and on with my own opinion about this ruthless, in genuine, ignorant leader, so-called, leader, but I would waste my time.  We as citizens of America are very lucky that we have term limits so that idiot's like this can not serve more that two terms in office!  

From one aggressive leader to one of a very weak nature, we have done no better with the current one in office.  As he approaches another election to keep himself in office, I find that we are bombarded with speeches he had made while campaigning back in 2007 - 2008.  His "hope" speeches were very hypnotic and convincing, I do have to admit, but I was never convinced that he would lead our nation out of the turmoil the previous President put us in.  I never believed that he was strong, smart, or convincing enough for me.  I also did not believe he would be able handle the politics of Washington.  I was right!  

Granted, our country has slowly started to rebound, but under what circumstances?  The non-stop bickering of the Congress and his administration, the unwavering compromises he has made or not made for that matter as well as trying to work with the Republican Congress and to get them to compromise as well.  I believe he has compromised way too much of our Nations values and that of the Democratic party.  I believe that he has just "settled" and in the meantime, has pissed off the base of the party.  He is not the President the people thought he would be.  

I would like to see our Nation become the greatness it once was under the leadership of Bill Clinton.  Our Nation rose to such greatness when he was our leader.  The country thrived in every corner, and every aspect.  We became that "Beacon" of light again that the world looked up to for it's leadership.  Our economy was the strongest it has ever been.  We brought peace through out the world.  I would like to see those days come back and I believe we could have that in Hillary Clinton.

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