Moving out of my dad's home and into my own place, well with my new friends as roommates, was so much fun. I remember moving in around the end of summer time. Summer time in Los Angeles lasted quite a long time, all through the end of September and even well into October sometimes. So I had plenty of time to "play" and be free as the nights were still longer and had the summer feeling to it. I remember smelling the Jasmine in the air all the time and when I smell it now, so many of those memories come back to me. They were fond memories. Going out all the time, laughing and just having a real good time. I was lucky to be able to get into the clubs at the age of eighteen. I don't know how I did it, but I just smiled and flirted my way in.
I was still working at the bank in the valley at the time, so the commute was pretty rough. My step mother would come into the bank often to make their deposits and we would visit and catch up, but I never saw my dad. He was pretty upset with me since I moved out and left home. We did not leave on good terms and he never wanted me to be in Hollywood. He still had no idea that I was gay at this point either. They never found out, or my whole family never found out for a good time after I moved out of my dad's place. It was nice to see my step mother and my little baby sister when they came in to the bank.
I really enjoyed working at the bank at the time. It was my very first professional job where I was able to where a suit and tie to work and feel like was important. I did very well and excelled at the bank. I was hired in as a teller and moved on up to be second in line to run the sales department in new accounts. From the very first day I started there, I made sure I let the branch manager know that if there was ever a spot over in new accounts, I would love to be considered for the position and only three months later I was promoted. Everyone there was really nice and we had a lot of fun. My assistant branch manager was gay, the annuities guy was gay and there was another teller that was gay, so I guess you can say that the "gays" had the branch covered. I was friends with everyone and during the holiday seasons, we decorated for all of them and even dressed up for Halloween. Good times.
I am still friends with the assistant branch manager after twenty some years. He just passed away in February of this year. I am pretty sad about it. We re-connected a few years ago when I used to live in Long Beach, California. Another friend and I would get coffee and walk along the beach on Sunday mornings, and one day we were walking up from the beach to get more coffee and we passed him walking his dog in front of his house right by the beach. He heard my voice and recognized me as we walked passed him and called out my name and I was so happy to see him! We connected again and started to hang out and go out on the weekends and I was just so lucky to be able to spend those last months with him. God puts people in our paths or "back" in our paths for a reason, and I am truly grateful that God put Don back into mine. I miss you Don ......
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